Sunday, July 3, 2011

National Baby Week




National Compliment Your Mirror Day

When we're young, we love mirrors.
They're fascinating.  Grabbing our attention
by mimmicking our every move.
Always looking at us, it doesn't take
long before we know it's
looking back.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take long
before we begin to find something
to criticize.
We start to assess, examine, investigate,
and chastise our myriad iniquities.

(Norman Rockwell)

At the tender age of twelve we have
discovered that we have"short, fat fingers".

By sixteen we discover that our
"head is too small for our body".

By eighteen our arms are
"disproportionately thick".

Of course, by the age of twenty-one,
we've developed an extensive index of offenses.

We've sentenced ourselves to a lifetime of
self-ridicule and unmitigated anxiety.

(Picass, Girl Before Mirror)

What a mess.
So, today is "Compliment Your Mirror" Day.
We need a day like today.
But, how does a gal do such a silly thing?
I've never done it.
I've done the opposite.
Many times.
But compliment?

This isn't silly, friends.
It's necessary.
Let's do this!

(Pablo Picasso, Woman with Mirror 1963)

First, this is not narsissistic.
How can we love our dear ones
when we're so rough on ourselves?

The first thing I notice
(after shushing myself for noticing "flaws")
is my freckles.
I know I have a lot of them, but I like them.

I am very happy to be the mother that I am.
I would've loved to have had a mama like me.

My little fingers are talented
and I have loads of fun with them!

(Ajanta Lady, India)

(Frederick Carl Frieseke, Femme qui se Mire, 1911)

I have learned much from what
God has shown me in life.

(Fredereck Carl Frieseke, Woman with Mirror)

(Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Toilette Woman in Front of a Mirror, c.1913)

I am good at forgiving.

(See, we can do this.)

(Young Woman at Mirror)

(Woman Before Mirror)

I'm a good cook.
I'm a good gardener.

(Woman at Mirror)

(Woman Looking in Mirror,  Katsushika Hukusa)

(The Mirror,  Frank Dicksee)

 I'm a creative thinker and can think outside the box.

I'm loyal.

(Before the Mirror)

Erichsen Virgilius,  Portrait of Catherine II in Front of a Mirror)

(Old Woman  at the Mirror,  Bernardo Strozzi  c.1615)

I don't give up easily.

I give my family a safe and loving home.

I teach my kids all sorts of important life skills.

(Woman Looking in a Mirror, 1913)

(Venus at a Mirror)

And, I look like a godess!

Your turn...

Happy Compliment Your Mirror Day, Friends!

About Me

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As long as I'm on this journey, rambling through life's exhilarating highs and trudging heavily amongst it's incapacitating lows, I might as well share whatever may be gleaned from my little bits of wisdom and my many missteps. No room for judgment from this broken mama. I'm writing from my heart: raw, open, messy, but saved. And I'm still thanking God!