Tax season is over, for most of us at least.
I found some old-time "cures" for what might ail you.
Take it easy, these might be potent!

"Brain Troubles, Headaches, Sea Sickness, Nervous Debility, Sleeplessness, Excessive Study Mania, Over Brainwork, etc etc"
"Don't add to the upset of an upset stomach with overdoses of atacids or harsh physics . . . Take soothing PEPTO-BISMOL.
"This pleasant-tasting preparation is neither an atacid nor a laxative. Its action is different. It spreads a soothing, protective coating on irritated stomach and intestinal walls . . . thus helping to calm and quiet common digestive upsets."
"This pleasant-tasting preparation is neither an atacid nor a laxative. Its action is different. It spreads a soothing, protective coating on irritated stomach and intestinal walls . . . thus helping to calm and quiet common digestive upsets."
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1888 |
For sale by all the wholesale druggists
Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's
Pine Tree Tar Cordial
"A great remedy for the cure of throat and lung diseases,
Great American
Dispepsia Pills
for the cure of
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Disease of the Skin, Female Obstructions, &e."

"Hutching's Dispepsia Bitters:
The most popular family medicine of the age, used by physicians of high standing.
"These bitters remove all morbid secretions, purify the blood, give great tone and vigor to the digestive organs, fortify the system against all future disease, can be taken with safety, at no time debilitating the patient - being grateful to the most delicate stomach, and remarkable for their cheering, invigorating, strengthening and restorative properties, and invaluable and sure remedy for the
Dyspepsia, or indigestion, is the prevailing malady of civilized life.
There is more misery entailed upon the human race by the disorders that belong to eating and drinking, than perhaps any other.
"This disorder, Dyspepsia, have been the medium through which the public have been practiced upon for years, in the shape of innumerable vile nostrums, prepared and sold by persons who, in a majority of cases, are totally unacquainted with the maladies to which the human system is subjected.
"This very common disorder consists generally of a want of appetite, a sudden and transient distention of the stomach, eructations of various kinds, heart-burn, pyrosis, pain in the region of the stomach, perhaps vomiting, rumbling noise in the bowels, and frequent costiveness and diarrhea.
A long train of nervous disorders are also frequent attendants, as palpitations, impaired sight and hearing, with great mental despondency, severe pains in the head, etc.
"These BITTERS are strongly recommended to all persons laboring under this distressing complaint, and more especially to such persons as lead a sedentary life; for their manner of living is in every way calculated to produce Dyspepsia.
The great virtue of these BITTERS consists in their powerful restorative qualities - their ability to restore the tone of the chlyossietic viscera and invigorate the general system.
That most harassing and distressing feeling which affects the stomach is at once relieved, all morbid secretions expelled, and the general inflammatory action reduced.
"This medicine will be found to cure all complaints arising from
Disorder of the Stomach and Bowels
Yellowness of the Skin
Want of Appetite
Lowness of Spirits
Palpitation of the Heart
Liver Complaint
Disorders of the Skin, Liver, and Kidneys
Acid Stomach
Dimness of Sight
Wasting of Strength
Flatulence, with frequent Belching of Wind
Vitiated Taste
Constipation and Uneasiness of the Bowels
Burning Sensation in the Pit of the Stomach
Oppression after eating
Depression of Spirits
and all other diseases caused by an impaired state of THE BLOOD, LIVER, etc, which lend to debilitate and weaken the system.
Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition will find this Medicine of
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