Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day, Gift Ideas For Dad

Here are a few ideas that I thought looked fun for Pop.

For the reading Dad, a nice wide ribbon with a favorite or memorable photo.
Be creative here. 
There are excellent copiers for photos now. 
You can even change your snapshot to blue tones, pink tones, black and white or old-time sepia.

How about a fun treat this Sunday that the whole family will get a kick out of?  Dad'll love that.  Even if he doesn't have a sweet tooth he'll love watching his kids celebrate his special day with him.

Most of us appreciate a handsome, practical gift. 
This one will keep giving for many years to come.

Call it a Bolo or a Bola, it's a tie. 
South Western-style. 
 My husband wore one for a few years early on in our marriage and I think it was very handsome. 
 If I recall correctly, one of our baby's rearranged it.
The gal from this blog instructs us to make this one from cardboard, but I think polymer clay would make a dandy material for this project.

This strikes me as a nostalgic idea for dad/hubby.  My thought here is using maps from different places you've travelled together.  Anything special and fun will do!

This looks putzy to me, but my daughter and her friend would absolutely love it! 
 So I'm thinking that someone gets to have a sleep-over Friday night, and someones friend gets to bring some treats home. 
All I have to do is purchase and ref. 
Yes, thank you.  Thank you very much.

Now isn't this about as darling as can be?
My mind is getting ready to perform a minor miracle here...
Executing a collage that utilizes this theme,
but includes all five of our children
in one frame.

Another charming snack project for our talented daughter.
Besides, what man doesn't like cheese?

Have fun, friends!  Make some memories
and have a great day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

About Me

My photo
As long as I'm on this journey, rambling through life's exhilarating highs and trudging heavily amongst it's incapacitating lows, I might as well share whatever may be gleaned from my little bits of wisdom and my many missteps. No room for judgment from this broken mama. I'm writing from my heart: raw, open, messy, but saved. And I'm still thanking God!