Home From Shopping |
Who doesn't recognize this?
Now, I don't know about you, but around here
there are stores that don't even carry paper bags anymore.
Our recycling protocol requires that our
recyclables be organized into paper bags.
More often than not we have run out of paper bags.
At the risk of blaspheming the environment, I rather like paper bags.
I use them when wrapping boxes that I'm
packaging for the mail.
We use them to cover and protect our children's text books.
Theres nothing better onto which to place your freshly fried foods!
Paper towels get soggy,
paper bags absorb grease
while preserving the crispiness of your food.
We've used them for countless school and craft projects.
But, here we are,
knee-deep in plastic bags.
So, lets make lemonade!
Paint "Shirt" |
There are many wonderful uses for plastic bags, too.
This little tot demonstrates how to keep
your tummy clean while painting.
An impromptu and clever idea when you may not yet have
established a paint shirt.
I use them to cover appliances while in storage.
We have a shelf in our garage
that holds a crock pot, canning kettles,
roaster, ice cream maker, juicer and bread machine.
All with a plastic bag
draped over them to keep the dust out.
Up in the attic we have recently
put away our fans for storage, each of them covered
with a plastic bag.
This easy extra step preserves the life
of the motor inside by keeping dust particles out
during storage.
With all this plastic literally flying around,
were finding some new uses.
(Naturally, we stumble upon some superfluous uses.
But that is part of the mechanics of ingenuity.)
I'm exploring some practical ideas that we can put to use
in our own homes and lives.
My interest is in turning our abundance,
seemingly negligible,
into daily domestic productivity.
Some will even make enterprising gifts!
Directions For How To Make Plarn |
Cut 1 Inch |
This is plarn.
Plastic yarn. Ive blogged about this before, back in March.
Today, however, I would like to share a bit more in depth.
I would like you to see this as something
that you can do to make your life better.
You're cutting strips (about 1in) and linking them together.
Once you find yourself with a nice, long length, roll it into a ball.
You may wish to keep your colors separated,
or you may not care.
Balls of Plarn in Assorted Colors |
Plarn Bag |
With your balls of plarn,
simply knit or crochet your project.
There are many patterns to be found on the web now.
You'll need large needles.
Click HERE for a free crocheted clothespin bag pattern.
Plarn Coil-Weave Bowl |
You may use clothesline cord, or any sturdy cord or rope.
These make a sturdy textile bowl
that you can shape as you weave.
Spinning Plarn |
In order to get that smooth look,
and a smaller stitch,
This is a whole other step that you may or may not be interested in.
I'm not ready for this, myself,
but Ive highlighted a couple of links for you to check out, if you'd like.
for how to make your own drop spindle.
Spun Plarn Crochet Angel |
Knitting Spun Plarn |
Crocheted Spun Plarn Purse |
Spun Plarn Snowflakes |
A New Twist on an Old Favorite -
Spun Plarn Granny Squares |
Tutorial For Fusing Plastic For Fabric |
There is another process by which we can
create something new and useful with our plethora plastic bags.
With only an iron and a bit of parchment paper between the board and the iron,
(with your layers of plastic between)
you can create all kinds of things made of this very strong, fused plastic "fabric".
It will take a bit of practice to get a feel for the amount of time
and the temperature you'll need.
The key is to keep your iron moving,
prepare for the plastic to shrink as it fuses together,
and keep on trying!
This is a fun project,
especially when you're itching to create something
useful and practical, but haven't yet learned to knit or crochet.
Give this a try, you'll enjoy it!
Stitched Fused Plastic Bag |
Fused Plastic Owl Bag |
Click HERE for some very good instructions on how to make a fusible plastic fabric grocery bag.
Fused Plastic Bag |
Above is a fused plastic fabric bag that uses some nice handles.
You may find these at your larger craft stores.
You might also wish to
keep your eyes peeled for some vintage purses that are better-off
in the trash, but have good handles.
Fused Plastic Bag |
Here we see someone has created a make-up bag
using some trimmings for embellishment.
There are many examples of this, even to the extent of
being considered art.
Fused Plastic Notebook Cover |
This is a great idea for young ones in church,
scratch paper in the car, or purse,
or a funky and whimsical gift idea for your teen.
Use paper that you have;
art projects that you can't throw but don't have room to save,
maps that are out-dated,
place mat menus,
anything that would make it personal and fun!
Fused Plastic Weave Bag |
Don't throw all those fused plastic bits that "didn't turn out"!
There's a use for just about anything.
In this case, trim your practice bits and use them in a weave.
This is very cool,
and much sturdier than the free cloth bags that we get at the fair.
(What are those made of, anyway?)
Fused Plastic Bib |
Who can argue about this as the quintessentially perfect project
for plastic fusing?
Click HERE for a free fused plastic bib pattern.
You can place images in between your plastic bag layers
for an applique look.
There are great directions for this on Sustain Lane and Craftzine.
Pattern Idea For Fused Plastic |
Fused Plastic Reusable Sammy Bag
Click HERE to get these directions. |
Fused Plastic iPod Case |
Fused Plastic Eyeglasses Case |
Click HERE for a free eyeglasses case pattern.
Here are a few more ideas from one of my previous blog posts,
*Cut up green bags into strips and tie onto child's belt
for Hawaiian “grass” skirt.
*Store over your heaters in the summer, around your fans in winter.
*Cover ceiling fans during remodeling.
*Keep in kids’ closet for catching outgrown items.
*Cover well-watered plants with transparent bag just before vacation,
keeping out of direct light.
*Dust covers for seldom-worn clothing.
*Store extras in bottom of waste basket. *Wrap one up to the size of piece of gum, slip rubber band around it, drop in purse
- never know when you’ll need it! *Spray paint small items inside of one.
*For intense toilet cleaning, place hand in bag, scrub, then toss.
*Cover shoes before packing to keep other garments clean.
*Keep feet dry inside not-so-waterproof shoes or boots.
*“Wear” when mixing meatloaf.
*Set metal furniture legs into after carpet shampoo to prevent rust.
*Funnel for liquids.
*Waterproof a mattress by splitting and placing under sheet.
*Indispensable for travel, auto, camping, picnic.
Plastic Bags Made Into Flowers |
Fused Plastic Flower With Vintage Button |
Finally, have fun!
This doesn't need to be perfect, theres not much out there
that's more forgiving.
And, for a while, your resources don't seem to be
in danger of being endangered.
Until then,
proudly display your upcycled plastic, friends!