Wednesday, August 17, 2011

National Thrift Shop Day


  1. I went thrifting today with the girls....just stopped in on a whim when the bird shop was closed, and I found a TV armoire in pretty good shape for cheap. Mark is picking it up now.... I <3 thrifting!

  2. Whims are an invaluable sidekick for a thrifter! Congratulations on your serendipity!


About Me

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As long as I'm on this journey, rambling through life's exhilarating highs and trudging heavily amongst it's incapacitating lows, I might as well share whatever may be gleaned from my little bits of wisdom and my many missteps. No room for judgment from this broken mama. I'm writing from my heart: raw, open, messy, but saved. And I'm still thanking God!